New Manager Training > Gillespie Nimble

Gillespie Nimble New Manager Jump™ Series


Customers Say

"I would have had more success [as a manager] if I had courses like this when I first became a manager."
-Dave, Manufacturing Manager

"Unlike other e-learning courses that I have taken, the opportunity to discuss with others online provided a way to interact that is similar to a classroom training."
- Elaine, Consultant

"While working through New Manager JumpStart™, I definitely saw [my employee] more focused and recognizing some of her weaknesses."
 - Partner, financial services agency


Gillespie Nimble FAQs

Have some questions about Gillespie Nimble and how it works? Check out our FAQ page to learn more.

Never managed a team before? Never planned and led a team meeting? Never been the one responsible for handling conflicts and motivating others?

As a new manager, communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving are just a few of the make-or-break skills needed in any company, no matter the industry or workplace environment.

With the New Manager Jump series, first-time managers will build this expertise through a series of diverse supervisory courses. These immediately-actionable skills will help new leadership transition efficiently, encourage positivity and productivity, and create a foundation for success.

Our affordable, engaging solution includes short, targeted e-learning modules, independent learning, group support, email reinforcement, checklists, and tools.

The New Manager Jump series consists of three sessions, each lasting three months, to help new managers jump right into their new role. 

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